Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Wilton Park Youth Dialogues Conference 2019 Call for Youth Delegates from Asia and Africa (Fully funded to the UK)

Deadline: September 1, 2019

Apply to be a youth delegate at the Wilton Park Youth Dialogues Conference 2019. In November 2019 the UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office in partnership with the UK Department for International Development and Restless Development will be hosting a Wilton Park Youth Dialogues Conference on making tertiary education #SafetoLearn! They want young leaders from across Africa and Asia to join them and Wilton Park from 13 – 15 November, 2019 at Wiston House in West Sussex, UK.
Young people in the global south often face unacceptable threats of bullying, violence, sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment in higher education (HE) and technical and vocational education and training (TVET). The problem is widely known, yet under-researched and under-discussed.

This event is part of the Wilton Park Dialogues on youth – Powering the Future. This series focuses on young people, creating a positive and action-oriented debate with emphasis on youth ambitions and opportunities in relation to employment, education, security and peace.

This dialogue seeks to

  • Raise the profile of risks with stakeholders throughout skills and higher education delivery chains, and to share best practice youth-appropriate safeguarding interventions.
  • Map out effective safeguards – what works, what doesn’t, and share case studies of change.
  • Create a network of engaged organisations on the topic.
  • Meeting outcomes will be captured in a report summarising the discussions, conclusions, policy recommendations, and actions, which will be widely circulated to interested parties and posted on Wilton Park and other websites.
  • How can we shift social norms and behavioural change?
  • Discuss and reflect the changes needed in education policies / legislation etc? Discuss what safeguarding procedures tertiary education facilities currently have in place and whether they are sufficient – e.g. whistleblowing and reporting mechanisms that are age appropriate, robust investigation processes, recruitment processes, codes of conduct etc…


  • Travel and accommodation costs will be covered for the 10 selected youth delegates.


  • Open to young leaders from across Asia and Africa


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