Wednesday 26 August 2020

Job Opportunity at HelpAge – Consultant – NAFASI ZA KAZI


HelpAge International

Job Summary
The overall purpose of the consultancy is to synthesize and document phase two best practices and lessons leant that either takes forward phase one lessons and or as new initiatives with sufficient stories and testimonies of change where necessary.

Job Description
Expressions of Interest – Consultant
Terms of Reference:
Accountability in Tanzania (AcT phase 2)
“Making Governance Work for Older Women and Men in Tanzania”
Funded by AcT-KPMG
Documentation of Best Practices and Lessons Learnt 

For the last two years HelpAge International in partnership with 10 CSO partners[1] has been implementing a project: Accountability in Tanzania project phase 2 (AcT II) in ten regions [2] in Tanzania. The project aims to ensure older people including older people with disabilities and their dependents lead more dignified, healthy and secure lives through increased responsiveness and accountability of government. The project is funded by AcT- KPMG governance initiative which is supported by the UK Department for International Development (DfID).

AcT phase 2 project is a follow-on to AcT phase 1 (AcT 1), designed to ensure greater inclusion, dignity, access to quality health and care and secure lives through regular and sustainable universal income, and increased protection from the wanton killings due to witchcraft accusations. During AcT I, various documentaries of best practices and lessons learnt undertaken by HelpAge and ODI[3] complimented HelpAge effectiveness in working with the central government to address specific challenges relating to policy incoherence including but not limited to:
The interventions effectiveness in identifying and seizing windows of opportunity for advocacy activities;
The intervention’s effectiveness in facilitating platforms for older people to coordinate and lead a collective agenda; and
The project effectiveness in using adaptive approaches to programme evaluation in response to changing governance dynamics and constraints.
Build upon these, AcT phase 2 focused on consolidating the delivery of tangible commitments in the areas identified as being fundamental steps to reap the dividends of population ageing using adaptive and flexible programming through locally led and politically smart processes. AcT phase 2 therefore focused on the scale up of advocacy and policy influencing at local and national level to drive a change agenda that enhances the role of citizens taking proactive actions in demanding state accountability to enforce a responsive government that advances a clear strategy in line with national development plans.

1.1 AcT phase 2 Goals and Outcomes
The project works to achieve three objectives:
Outcome 1: Governments and key stakeholders implement quality age-friendly health and care services:
Result 1.1: Health Care workers have improved capacity and more accountable to deliver age-friendly health and care services to OP and OPPWDs:
Result 1.2: Councils Health Management Teams (CHMTs) have mainstreamed health ageing in councils plans and budgets:
Result 1.3: Older people including older people with disabilities (OP-PWD) in their forums, have information on their rights and entitlements, and are better supported to demand accountability from state institutions at local and national levels:
Outcome 2: National Social Protection policies and frameworks at all levels are more responsive and accountable to older men and women including older people with disabilities (OP-PWDs).
Result 2.1: Inclusive mechanism for older men and women including OP with disabilities are created and embedded in the National Social Protection (SP) policy and frameworks for older citizen to fully and effectively engage in Social Accountability of the SP Programmes:
Result 2.2: Evidence and learning generated on social protection systems and best practices in citizen monitoring:
Outcome 3: National Strategy to Curb the Killing of OP (NSCKOP) is coordinated and resourced addressing the murder of older people due to witchcraft accusations
Result 3.1: Legislature, law enforcement bodies and institutions responsible for justice and rule of law are coordinating to provide support and justice to victims of witchcraft accusations:
Result 3.2: Communities, Civil Society including networks of people with disabilities have better capacity to support persecution of killers of OP on witchcraft allegations. 

The overall purpose of the consultancy is to synthesize and document phase two best practices and lessons leant that either takes forward phase one lessons and or as new initiatives with sufficient stories and testimonies of change where necessary.

The documentary will involve a desk review of existing documents and field visits to 4 randomly sample districts based on the desk review that is expected to highlight the best practices and lessons to focus on.
3.1 Specific documentary focus:
The documentary will identify and document the best practices and lessons learnt within or across the three project outcomes around but not limited to:
3.1.1 Implementation process/ strategies and factors that make them best practices?
3.1.2 Significant impacts/ results and factors that make them best practices?
3.1.3 Emerging lessons and factors that make them best lessons?
3.1.1 Areas to explore may include but not limited to:
Which outcome has been more successful over the others and factors for the success?
How awareness raising and support to older people including older people with disabilities (OPWDs) have enabled them to engage at different levels clearly articulating their ‘asks’ on the basis of pledges made to them?
How bottom -up approach through community-based data collection i.e. the older citizen monitoring groups has enabled generating evidence to drive an adept national agenda?
What could be the impact of working strategically with national and local media and how effective it has been?
Has the project influenced the key drivers of accountability changes and if this had any impacts on improved access to services?
What were the role of partnership and networking in the project and how effective they have been in promoting advocacy and policy influencing at both local and national level?
How successful stories from significant others e.g. the Zanzibar universal pension scheme have been used to elicit accountability from duty bears, communities and other stakeholders such as UNICEF?
How capacity building of our local implementing partners and older people structures (OPFs, OPMs and AACs) has created sufficient flexibility for programming strategies and facilitated credible and accountable governance structures at national and local level?
How lobbying for Ageing and disability mainstreaming and follow up of district councils’ commitments to these groups have influenced responsive planning and budgeting for older people and PWDS? and
Whether the joint annual review meetings with government officials at local and national levels have increased accountability results
Which outcome has been more successful over the others and factors for the success?
3.2 Documentary Respondents:
The Documentary is expected to involve different stakeholders including HelpAge and partner staff, older people and their structures in the project areas and local council official in the project areas. Depending on the space of national government officials, HelpAge may organize interviews with officials at the Ministries of PO-RALG and MOHCDGEC.

In light of the above, the consultant(s) will submit the following:
4.1 An inception report: that details the documentary design (rationale, methodology) and a detailed work plan, to be approved by HelpAge International. The Consultant is expected to Interpret the project described in the proposal and ensure the best practice documentation design is consistent with the expected outcomes.
4.2 Data collection tools: which aligns well with the documentary design and have them approved by HelpAge International before data collection, analysis, interpretation.
4.3 Evidence generation. The consultant will conduct field work to 4 sampled programme areas and beneficiaries to collect evidence on the selected promising best practices for documentation.
4.4 Draft good practice and lesson learnt report: The consultant will prepare a draft good practice report with details of findings, recommendations and lessons learnt for review by HelpAge International.
4.5 Validation workshop: Hold a validation workshop/meeting with relevant HelpAge programme staff.
4.6 Final report: The consultant will share a final good practice and lessons learnt report after incorporating the comments from HelpAge. This will be both in electronic and hard copy (MS Word document, PowerPoint slides).
4.7 Data sets: Consultant will deliver all the data sets to HelpAge

It is envisaged that the documentation will adopt participatory approaches involving the use of community outreach mixed methods. However, the consultants will propose and design a suitable methodology in line with the documentation objectives.

The consultancy is expected to be undertaken between 7th to 25th September 2020. It is anticipated that the documentation will take no more than 15working days, including preparation, travel in the field, briefings/debriefings, Validation workshop and preparing draft and final reports as follows:
To view the table copy and paste the below link to the new tab.

7.0 Expertise required
Consultant should possess a minimum of bachelor’s degree (Master’s degree or PHD is an added advantage) on Social Sciences, Development studies or in a discipline relevant to this assignment with a minimum of 5 years’ experience.
Proven experience in conducting documentaries of complex development programmes and research
Proven experience in participatory reviews and research, and capacity assessments
Proven work experience in Aging issues

Ethics, Safeguarding and Code of Conduct: The Consultant will be working on behalf of HelpAge and will be required to sign and adhere to the Safeguarding Policy and ethical guidelines.
Interviews consent: The firm/consultant must receive prior permission for taking and use of visual still/ moving images for specific purposes. The consultant will assure participant’s anonymity, confidentiality and the visual data is protected and used for agreed purpose only.
Copyrights: As regards the documentation, the title rights, copyrights and all other rights of whatever nature in any materials used or generated under the provisions of this consultancy will exclusively be vested with HelpAge International.

9.0 Expressions of Interest
Interested individuals/ Firm are requested to apply by submitting their expression of interest describing their expertise and background experience and a proposal for undertaking the consultancy. The proposal and CV should explain briefly:
1. Your competency to meet and provide analysed information as outlined in this TOR
2. An example of a relevant piece of work undertaken by the applicant.
3. Proposal/ inception report: which also provide cost estimates for services rendered including daily consultancy fees.

All interest Applicant should submit their application by 01st September, 2020 to the office Manager, HelpAge international P.O.Box 9846, Dar es salaam, by email to: and cc: to;


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