Monday 26 October 2020

Job at IMA World Health Tanzania, Project Evaluator Consultant


Project Evaluator Consultant

Job Description






Lutheran World Relief (LWR) is a U.S.-based 501(c)3 organization founded in 1945 with a mission to end poverty, injustice, and human suffering. LWR is helping some of the world’s poorest communities transform from survival to sustainability, focusing on humanitarian assistance; laying the foundation for resilience; sustainable adaptation to climate change; and value-chain based long-term development.

LWR has worked in Tanzania since 1961, partnering with the Ministry of Agriculture and other local public and private stakeholders to strengthen long-term food security. In Tanzania, LWR specializes in building the local capacity of farmers' organizations to provide sustainable, equitable, and value-add services to their members. Through these organizations, LWR trains farmers in improved crop husbandry and post-harvest handling and marketing techniques. LWR also helps link the organizations and their members to financial institutions and other extension service providers. To date, LWR has supported Tanzanian farmers organizations producing and selling value chain horticultural crops (grapes, tomatoes, onions, ginger), cereals (maize, rice, sorghum), vegetables, oilseeds (sesame, sunflower), coffee, beans, and potatoes.

LWR implemented Investing in New Ventures of Entrepreneurial Students in Tanzania (INVEST) project over a three-year period from October 2017 to September 2020. The project is designed to address the challenge of the agricultural training education system in Tanzania which is disconnected from labor market demands and the challenge of the incompetence of graduates on self-employment. The disconnect has led to agricultural practitioners lacking necessary competence in the labor market and self-employment. The overall goal of the project is to strengthen the long-term employment prospects of youth (male and female) in the Ministry of Agriculture Training Institutes (MATIs) so they are equipped for employment upon graduation. This objective will be achieved through the following two outcomes:

Outcome 1: Targeted MATIs produce skilled agricultural labor force that meets market needs

Output 1.1: Targeted MATIs design a curriculum that meets the demands of the agriculture workforce

Output 1.2: Targeted MATIs implement a revised curriculum that meets the demands for employment in the agriculture labor force

Output 1.3: Targeted Youth have increased access to internship opportunities that demonstrate skills and training

Outcome 2: Targeted youth are equipped for self-employment upon graduation

Output 2.1: Targeted youth gain expertise in business development and planning

Output 2.2: Selected youth receive start-up capital to implement business ideas

LWR seeks to engage firm knowledgeable and experienced in education, agriculture systems, and management, with an understanding of measuring agriculture programs to conduct the final evaluation data for INVEST project focused on its relevance, effectiveness and efficiency, in November 2020 through January 2021.


The Project has been implemented for three years (2017-2019). The purpose for this evaluation is to assess the performance of the project and capture project achievements, challenges, and best practices to inform future similar programming. NOTE: End line data for each indicator will be measured in the same manner as the baseline data collection. The objectives of the evaluation are:

· To measure the end line data to determine to what extent targets were reached.

· To review the project against established evaluation criteria.

· Identify lessons learned and good practices that can be used beyond the project phase.


The final evaluation will address the following criteria and answer the associated questions. Disaggregation by appropriate comparison groups of data and analysis will be required, including but not limited to sex.

The end of program evaluation will have three objectives:

Objective 1: Evaluate to what extent INVEST project has delivered effective, efficient, relevant, sustainability, and timely activities to beneficiaries as set in the project log frame.

Project Effectiveness

  • To what extent did the project achieve the intended outcomes and outputs? NOTE: End line data for each indicator will be measured in the same manner as the baseline data collection. Included should be the final estimate of the total
  • To what extent have the project activities contributed to the overall goal? Was the project effective in increasing skills of MATI graduates? number of direct and indirect beneficiaries reached.
  • What were the major factors influencing the achievement of the objectives of the project?
  •  What opportunities for collaboration have been, utilized and how have these contributed to increased effectiveness? or otherwise?
  • To what extent did the project increased performance of targeted MATIs?
  • To what extent Competence-Based Education and Training (CBET) have been useful on building Tutors capacity in teaching
  • To what extent student’s businesses we're able to generate income? How did they use that income?
  •  To what extent revised curriculum addressed competence and skills gap from labor market

Project Efficiency

  • Was the project activity implementation (modality), considered to have been cost-efficient, while not compromising quality?
  • Is the project managed efficiently, in terms of human capital, staff, financial and other resources versus the results?
  • Is the partnership with Ministry of Agriculture and MATIs implementation structures appropriate?
  • Are beneficiaries sufficiently involved in the project implementation?
  • Is there feedback from beneficiaries to project implementers?
  • What are the external constraints to achieving better efficiency and how well was mitigated?
  • Were synergies capitalized on with other actors (local and international) involved in similar projects?
  • How has the relationship been between the partners and local government authorities?

Project relevance/appropriateness

  • How internship was relevant to student’s
  • How private sectors were useful to impart skills (soft and hard) to students.
  • What are achievement of using private sector companies in the project?
  • What are the recommendations for using private sector companies in the implementation of the project
  •  What is the recommended management structure of the project?


  • What are the key impacts of the project for the targeted MATIs and students?
  • To what extent targeted MATIs and Ministry of Agriculture will be able to maintain key project interventions after the end of the project?
  • What were the unanticipated impacts of the project (positive or negative)?
  • Will the changes caused by this programme continue beyond the life of the project?
  • What, mechanisms have, LWR, and partners put in place to sustain the key programme Outputs and Outcomes?
  • How has the programme worked with MATIs and Ministry of Agriculture to increase their capacity in a sustainable way?
  • What motivations /mechanisms exist for MATI to continue playing these roles?
  • What are the risks facing sustainability of programme Outputs and Outcomes?

Objective 2: Identify and assess key lessons learned, challenges and draw recommendation for future programming of INVEST project. The end line evaluation should assess the following evaluation/review criteria and include all of the following questions:

  • Which of the interventions, approaches, and modalities/strategies have been most effective according to LWR and Ministry of Agriculture?
  • Is there any substantial evidence on how project learning were generated and applied to improve the delivery or effectiveness or efficiency of activities?
  • How did the different actors learn from these experiences?
  • What are the key lessons learned per objective? To what extent has the delivery of response activities contributed to effective, efficient, relevant, and timely delivery of aid and enhanced impact for the beneficiaries?

Objective 3: To conduct Tracer Study of the MATI graduates. This will be complementary study to end-line evaluation. The objective of the study is to assess employment destination of the trained youth and measure the extent to which skills acquired through the program has improved MATI graduates.

  • To what extent have the skilled gained by MATI graduated been utilized?
  • Are there any concrete examples that skills gain improved graduate economic status?
  •  How was, the training delivered?
  • Are graduates satisfied with quality of training?
  • How long does it take the trained youth to find employment?


The evaluator will review available project data sources and design a methodology to collect both quantitative and qualitative data. The baseline evaluation will be measured in the same manner as the final evaluation data collection, baseline report and data collection tools for baseline will be developed by consultant. The desired sample size, sampling methodology and data collection tools will also be a critical component of the design. Creative use of data collection, participatory data analysis, and presentation of findings that maximize the usefulness of the evaluation will be very important. The evaluator will work closely with LWR Senior Program Manager to finalize the methodology, data collection tools and the work plan before fieldwork. The evaluator will define the methodology, inclusive of multimedia and participatory tools; however the methodology will likely include:

  • Document review: Desk review of all relevant project documentation including project proposal, quarterly reports, baseline survey, M&E reports, Project Design Workbook
  • Review project data sources and methodology for collecting both quantitative and qualitative data
  • Key informant interviews (KII): Potential key informants including MATIs, Ministry of Agriculture, National Council for Technical Education (NACTE) and LWR’s Senior Program Manager
  •  Consultation with beneficiaries (surveys, focus group discussions, observation): The evaluator will visits 2 targeted MATIs based on the sample size.


All deliverables must be in English.

Inception report/evaluation plan (using the following outline)

Final Evaluation Objectives and Matrix

Final Evaluation Methodology

Limitations to the evaluation/Study

Ethical Considerations

Timeline and Roles and Responsibilities

Annex 1: Terms of Reference

Annex 2: Data Collection Instruments

Evaluation report (using the following outline; maximum 25 pages, excluding annexes)

1. Executive Summary

2. Purpose of the evaluation

3. Sampling methodology (updated from the inception report to reflect any changes made during the study).

4. Findings and analysis (as defined in inception report)

5. Conclusions

6. Annexes, including (but not exclusively):

a. Evaluation terms of reference

b. Schedule of evaluation activities

c. List of people and groups consulted

d. Data collection tools

e. Tabulated data


The duration of the consultancy will be from November 2020 through January 2021. LWR will orient the lead consultant on the scope of the work. The consultant will outline the methodology and develop tools for data collection and submit to LWR for approval. LWR will assign a person to accompany the consultants for fieldwork. The assigned person will assist the consultants to make contacts with key informants and arrange for meetings. The consultant will provide his/her own working space, associated resources and equipment. LWR will reimburse the actual cost incurred by consultant for transportation, living cost (accommodation and meals) and stationaries upon submission of receipts based on the agreed rate up to defined limit established within the contract agreement.

The main contact in planning and finalizing evaluation methodology, data collection, analysis/interpretation and finalizing main deliverables will be managed at LWR HQ by LWR’s Africa Regional Program Manager Leah Hoffman ( and LWR Tanzania's Senior Program Manager Moses Kabogo (

The timeline for the completion of the evaluation is very firm. Delays in submission of the deliverables that are not the fault of LWR will result in a reduction in the final payment to the consultant.


November 2020 to January 2021


Qualification of the Consultant

The required qualifications of consultant(s)

Graduate(s) or equivalent in fields of Education, agronomy, agriculture economy, natural resource management, sociology, or organizational development.

At least ten years’ experience working with grassroots organizations related to rural agricultural development, with at least five years specifically on monitoring and evaluation.

Demonstrated experience in social science research, including leading at least 3 high-quality final evaluations similar to this assignment.

Excellent English writing skills and fluent in Swahili.

Legally entitled to work in Tanzania.

Interested consultants should send the information listed below to

a) Expression of interest (up to 3 pages) – outlining the summary of relevant previous experience, the approach in undertaking the evaluation and daily consultancy fee (inclusive of all office supplies, equipment, etc. and exclusive of reimbursable field travel expenses as listed above).

b) Latest curriculum vitae (of consultant and any supporting team members)

c) Two pages writing sample (additional two page sample demonstrating gender disaggregated results and analysis a plus but not required).

d) Contact information of three references for similar services was offered.

Application procedure

Complete applications containing elements a) through d) should be submitted as attachments to an email to

The subject line should read: Final valuation proposal

Deadline for the submission of bids is on Friday, November 7th 2020 by 5 pm Tanzania time

Applicants who do not follow application instructions will be rejected. ONLY shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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