Monday 16 November 2020

Internship opportunity at Forestry Development Trust (FDT)



Do you want to be your own boss? You can become a service provider in the growing commercial forestry sector in Tanzania

Overview of the Commercial Forestry Sector in Tanzania

Forest plantations cover a total area of 554 500 ha which is 1.2% of the total forest area of Tanzania mainland. Out of this, the government owns about 95 000 ha, private industrial plantations 40 000 ha and the total area of private woodlots is about 419 500 ha (MNRT, 2015).

The Opportunity

More recently a new group of upward mobile Tanzanians based in urban cities (Domestic

Investors) have entered the commercial forestry sector. It is estimated that there are at least 

  • urban-based Tanzanian investors who have established forest plantations/woodlots in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania. This segment of investors own a total area of at least
  • ha, worth more than 138 billion Tanzania Shillings (60 million USD). Most of these individuals have limited forestry knowledge and operate through Service providers who manages these woodlots on their behalf. Despite the scale and amount of money invested, majority of the plantations/woodlots owned by the urban based investors are of low quality due to use of low quality planting material and poor silvicultural practices. The risks facing these investors present an opportunity for service provision that motivated entreprenuers could leverage for sustainable returns. While there have been some form of service delivery to urban investors, this has been marred by low client confidence and trust in existing service providers due to absence of contractual agreement. Forestry Development Trust (FDT) aims to improve quality of forestry service delivery by capacitating and positioning potential service providers service.

The following are some of the challenges which service providers are expected to handle for urban based investors:

  • Land tenure arrangements for their tree plantation investment.
  • Site-Species-Market matching advisory
  • Provision of quality planting materials and seedlings
  • Plantation establishment and management practices.
  • Market intermediationand marketing services for their trees.
  • The above and relationship with clients will be managed through legally enforceable contracts

How to Apply

Write a short proposal not exceeding two A4 pages based on the following questions:

  • How would you deliver the above services?
  • What strategies will you employ to recruit and retain your clients?
  • How will you position your business for profitability and sustainability?

Submit your proposal not later than 14 days from the date of appearance of this advertisement to and copy

FDT Support

After a careful screening process and interview, successful applicants with the most innovative ideas will have access to the following:

  • Mentoring by experienced FDT staff for a period not exceeding six months.
  • Learning about the commercial forestry sector in Tanzania.
  • Practical exposure to latest silvicultural advances in commercial forestry.
  • Capacity building and mentorship in business development and entrepreneurship.
  • Learning about services relevant to commercial tree growers
  • Exposure to potential clients through promotions and awareness creation events

Terms of FDT support

Please note that this is not employment but rather an internship and mentorship support for self motivated individuals to become commercially successful service providers delivering services to diverse tree growers in Tanzania.


We Seek Male/Female Candidates with the following Qualifications:

  • Diploma/Degree in Forestry / Marketing from a recognised institution.
  • Strong business and entrepreneurial passion, practical business experience will be preferred.
  • Ability to multi-tasks in a fast-paced business environment.
  • Computer literate (MS-Word and Excel).
  • Desire to become a service provider in commercial forestry.
  • Willingness and passion for field work.
  • Self-motivated, innovative, independent, entrepreneurial mindset, good communicator, team player, diligent and hardworking.

About Forestry Development Trust

The Forestry Development Trust (FDT) is an independent institution established in 2013 by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation, with a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism. The Trust aims to transform the commercial forestry sector in Tanzania by facilitating market system changes that build competitiveness, inclusiveness and resilience. For more information visit our website:

The deadline for submitting the application is 30 November 2020

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