Thursday 25 March 2021

Job Opportunity at World Bank - E T Consultant (Statistical training expert and training coordinator)

E T Consultant (Statistical training expert and training coordinator)

Job #:                     req11344

Organization:     World Bank

Sector:                     Poverty Reduction

Grade:                     EC3

Term Duration:     1 year 0 months

Recruitment Type:    Local Recruitment

Location:             Dar Es Salaam,Tanzania

Required Language(s): English

Preferred Language(s):

Closing Date: 4/7/2021 (MM/DD/YYYY) at 11:59pm UTC



Do you want to build a career that is truly worthwhile? Working at the World Bank Group provides a unique opportunity for you to help our clients solve their greatest development challenges. The World Bank Group is one of the largest sources of funding and knowledge for developing countries; a unique global partnership of five institutions dedicated to ending extreme poverty, increasing shared prosperity and promoting sustainable development. With 189 member countries and more than 120 offices worldwide, we work with public and private sector partners, investing in groundbreaking projects and using data, research, and technology to develop solutions to the most urgent global challenges. For more information, visit

Country context

Tanzania’s statistical system has progressed over the years and has ranked consistently above the average for Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) along the World Bank’s Statistical Capacity Indicator (SCI). However, gaps remain in a range of areas including completeness and consistency of data collection, data analysis, and in terms of statistical skills of government officials. The latter is key for promoting a better use of available data to underpin policy-discussions and making sure decisions are grounded in high quality evidence.

The European Union, through its World Bank administered  project on ‘Development Support to Tanzania Statistics’ is providing support to further boost national statistical development. The project objective is to support the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) and the Office of the Chief Government Statistician (OCGS) to improve quality, timeliness, and relevance of national statistics through two main components: (1) supporting data collection and (2) strengthening statistical capacity through technical assistance.

The project supports the implementation of three surveys: the National Panel Survey (NPS), the National Agriculture Sample Census (NASC) and the Integrated Labor Force Survey (ILFS). Additionally, the project helps the development of geographical information systems to update population shifts in key enumeration area boundaries and digitalise their boundaries in support of computing survey sampling weights.

The project’s technical assistance component seeks to further strengthening the statistical capacity in country by advancing the skills of the government workforce.  This is done through technical support to survey implementation and a series of hands-on and on-the-job training courses on a range of topics. A comprehensive set of training courses are foreseen for 2021 to 2023 to strengthen the statistical skills of the staff of the national statistical offices in Dodoma and Zanzibar, as well sector ministry staff at the national and local government staff. Specific skills that will be strengthened include: data quality monitoring using Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI), data cleaning and validation, basic and advanced data analysis using ADePT, Excel, Stata and SPSS as well as data interpretation, communication and preparation, report writing, release of micro-datasets to users, and the use of GIS and spatial data analysis. The trainings will be applied in nature and integrated into survey activities whenever possible.

A training plan has been drafted by NBS and OCGS and this Terms of Reference (ToR) regards an assignment for an extended term consultant to support the design, implementation and evaluation of the training plan.

Duration of Assignment and Accountability

The Consultant will be recruited on a one-year Term contract with an option of a one-year extension. The assignment is expected to commence on or around April 1, 2021. The Consultant will report to the World Bank Task Team Leader and the NBS coordinator of the EUTF project. She/ he will be located at the NBS office in Dodoma as soon as the situation allows, until then she/ he will work from home.


The objective of the assignment is to support the implementation of the statistical training plan, including the design, coordination, implementation, supervision and evaluation of the training sessions.

Scope of Work and Activities

  • The Consultant will be expected to assist and support the NBS and OCGS in the planning, budgeting, implementation, evaluation and reporting of the trainings. This includes the following activities:
  •  Finalize the detailed design of the practical training courses that strengthen statistical skills that people need in their day-to-day job, in close collaboration with staff and management of NBS, OCGS and government ministries. The trainings could consist of on-line and face-to-face components.
  •  Assist in identifying relevant training institutions and experts to prepare and lead or co-lead the training. It is expected that each training will have one lead trainer and two assistants to support/ supervise the hands-on training sessions where participants will practice with the newly available datasets.
  •  Ensure that each training is well-prepared and is of high training standards, reflecting current thinking on effective training methods, and makes use of technological innovations for interaction, data sharing and conducting assignments and lecture sessions. Where appropriate, trainings should combine online as well as face-to-face training sessions.
  •  Assist with the logistical preparations of each training in close collaboration with staff of the NBS, OCGS and World Bank offices.
  •  Prepare and lead or co-lead several training courses .
  •  Support, monitor and supervise each training, trouble shoot and assist where needed and ensure each training is of high standards and well evaluated to assess the skills gained by participants and obtain their feedback. Explore the idea of conducting a pilot for each training. Distil lessons learned and identify follow-up steps.
  •  Keep the NBS EUTF project manager and the World Bank Task Team Leader well informed with regards to preparation, implementation and evaluation of the training plan, including financial management.
  •  Help make sure training material is well stored for future use, and made available for all participants and other staff through relevant websites.
  •  Prepare quarterly and annual progress reports.
  •  Participate in Steering Committee meeting to present progress reports on the training plan.


The following outputs are expected to be delivered in close collaboration with NBS, OCGS and government ministries.

  • Concept notes that spell out the details of each training, including the exact training objective, targeted audience and selection criteria for participation, training modalities including online and face-to-face mix, training logistics, required training material, datasets to be used and prepared, uploading of software packages.
  • Identification of lead trainers and co-trainers who are well-versed in the subject and in training methods.
  • A detailed program of each training to be developed by the lead trainer with help from the Statistical Training Expert and Coordinator. This includes the day-to-day program including the timing and topics of lectures, exercises and practical assignments.
  • A clear plan for the logistical and financial arrangements for each training, developed in close collaboration with NBS, OCGS and WB administrative staff.
  • Delivered trainings for those trainings where the Expert will be the lead trainer or co- trainer.
  • Completed reports and evaluations of each training that identifies what went well, what could be improved, lessons learned and gaps.
  • Proposals for follow-up steps including follow-up trainings and or other technical support where needed to address remaining issues and shortcomings to make sure participants will be well able to apply the skills into their day-to-day work.
  • Design trainings for these follow-up steps.
  • Quarterly  and semi-annual progress reports.

Duration of assignment

The assignment is for one year with possible extension of one more year upon satisfactory performance.

Selection Criteria

The ideal candidate has the following qualifications and experience:

  • A master’s degree in a relevant discipline and a minimum of 8 years of relevant statistical work experience.
  • Good knowledge of principles of survey statistics, including survey design, data quality control, data analysis and interpretation and communication of findings. Experience working in and/or with producers of official statistics is preferred.
  • Knowledge of statistical software packages
  • Experience in designing and implementing high quality and interactive hands-on training sessions (online and face-to-face), preferably in statistics, that meet requirements for effective adult learning
  • Team worker and ability to work in a multi-cultural environment;
  • A self-starter with excellent team playing skills;
  • Excellent communications skills (written and oral);
  • Fluency in English. Knowledge of Swahili is preferred.

The World Bank Group is committed to achieving diversity in terms of gender, nationality, culture and educational background.  Individuals with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply.  All applications will be treated in the strictest confidence.


The selected candidate’s location will be officially based out of Dar Es Salaam till the time there is an official location in Dodoma. The selected candidate will work from home but is expected to report at the NBS office in Dodoma as and when the situation allows.”

Note: The selected candidate will be offered a one-year appointment, renewable for an additional one year, at the discretion of the World Bank Group, and subject to a lifetime maximum ET Appointment of two years. If an ET appointment ends before a full year, it is considered as a full year toward the lifetime maximum. Former and current ET staff who have completed all or any portion of their second-year ET appointment are not eligible for future ET appointments.

Poverty has no borders, neither does excellence. We succeed because of our differences and we continuously search for qualified individuals with diverse backgrounds from around the globe.

The deadline for submitting the application is 07 April 2021


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