Tuesday 6 April 2021

Job Opportunity at JSI Research And Training Institute Inc, Human-Centred Design Consultant

 inSupply Health

Human-Centred Design Consultant Terms of Reference

Period of Performance: 20 days (April 30 2021 - May 30, 2021)


JSI Research and Training Institute Inc (JSI R&T) in conjunction with inSupply Health Ltd, an independent regional advisory firm based in Nairobi pioneering new approaches to improve public health supply chains in East Africa. inSupply Health draws from the experience of its affiliation to JSI R&T. Our team of dynamic local consultants works closely with public and private sector clients to design optimized, responsive and resilient supply chain systems. JSI R&T and inSupply deploy systems that deliver essential health products such as antimalarial and HIV medications, vaccines and contraceptives in complex settings. We take proven methodologies from the commercial sector and adapt them to local conditions. We involve our clients closely in shaping their supply chains so they can own, implement and continuously improve their systems over the long term. We specialize in: developing supply chain maturity strategies, building organizational capacity for supply chains, designing and implementing data-driven, optimized supply chain systems and quantifying health commodity needs. JSI R&T and inSupply don’t just help our clients select the right technology for better supply chain management. We also invest in people and processes, helping to build a culture of data use and continuous improvement.

IMPACT Team Project Background

The IMPACT teams provide a structured and rigorous process for supply chain problem-solving. A system of interconnected teams, made up of people across functions and disciplines who meet routinely and are:

  • Trained to develop, interpret and set targets for key supply chain indicators, and use action oriented dashboards
  • Encouraged to follow a structured, problem-solving process
  • Empowered to use their data for operational and strategic decisions with ultimate goal of improving the performance of their supply chain

JSI R&T is currently implementing the IMPACT Teams approach in 3 districts in Tanzania (Sikonge, SingidaDC and Kigamboni). The IMPACT teams were envisaged to operate at four levels:

  •  At health facility level to meet monthly for operational actions and decisions; 
  • At district/council level to meet monthly for operational actions and decisions; 
  • At region level to meet quarterly for tactical and strategy actions and decisions; and
  • At the National level for strategy, policy and overall supply actions and decisions.

IMPACT Teams have been rolled out at both the regional, district/council and facility levels in Tanzania.  At the national level the team has not been operationalized.

There have been notable challenges around the implementation of the regional level IMPACT teams with the main one being around motivation for teams to hold their meetings and use the IMPACT team quality improvement process to contribute meaningfully to supply chain performance management and monitoring. Some teams have not been able to meet at all and the ones that are meeting have anchored their meetings on partner supported activities (Support and Monitoring activities) which is not sustainable nor does it demonstrate that the approach is valued. Another challenge experienced is teams not being able to identify the root causes of the problems as they do not have direct contact with the facilities where the actions take place. We conducted an internal deep dive assessment to identify the underlying challenges and key differences between the region and district level ITs. From that activity, we summarized the problem using the problem statement below.

Problem statement: The current IT design is better aligned to the job function and motivations for districts and facilities but doesn’t appear to meet the needs and motivators of the regional level. There is also a disconnect between these two levels of ITs in terms of communicating to each other; communication was intended to provide an avenue for escalation and feedback as well as connecting to the action plans, all of which are critical to the ITs to improve performance and decision making for the supply chain holistically across levels.

It is with this background that JSI R&T wants to conduct a HCD activity to generate insights that will help us redesign and improve our interaction with the Regional ITs.

Research Questions:

  1. What about the IT data, process or outputs could be adapted or redesigned to better suit regional needs around data consumption, data use, action planning and decision making (in the context of supply chain management and improving performance)

What are the data needs for the regional ITs? What decisions do they need to make and what data will support these decisions? 

What would motivate regional stakeholders to participate in IT meetings or use the IT process for decision making and SC performance improvement?

Is there a meeting frequency that would work regularly for them? 

If meetings are not the optimal method for consuming and using supply chain data what alternatives would encourage regional supply chain managers to regularly consume and use data

2. How should the regional and district ITs connect with each other, share information and escalate issues that may arise? 

3. How do the different levels of IMPACT Teams better coordinate or complement each other? 

4. What is the role of the regional IT visa vi district/council ITs? 

       (1)   action plan follow up

       (2)   communication 

      (3)   oversight/management      

5. What are the enablers that would support IMPACT team approach sustainability? 

6. What challenges would be a barrier to sustaining the IMPACT team approach and what are solutions for overcoming them? 

Who we are looking for:

JSI R&T is looking for a HCD Consultant to work with the JSI R&T and 

inSupply Health team to conduct HCD research and generate insights and prototypes to inform the re-design of the regional ITs. Our ideal candidate has 2-4 years experience with design research, understands the Tanzanian context, has some exposure to interviewing and working with MOHCDGEC and PORALG staff, is a flexible and adaptive thinker, is organized and productive and is able to work across a range of personalities. He/she is team oriented with a demonstrated ability to get things done, build and sustain momentum with activities and partners, and seeks robust, creative solutions to problems.


The consultant’s responsibilities will include:

  1. Meet the JSI R&T and inSupply teams to get an overview of the IT approach and the tools used by ITs and summary of findings from our Adaptive Learning sessions  
  2. Review previous HCD work conducted for ITs including current role profiles, with a particular focus on Resource Ritah, Lucy Leader and Influencing Irene
  3. Review of the concept note and interview guides that were developed to refine/ ensure that they are aligned to answer the research questions
  4. Engage identified stakeholders in various regions and districts through interviews seeking to understand the needs, motivators, roles, pain points and motivation for the Regional ITs. The interviews will be conducted in 3 regions; Dar es salaam, Tabora and Singida (virtually with possible support from the JSI R&T and inSupply teams)
  • Conduct at least 6-9 interviews in total at the regional level (the regional Pharmacist, Regional Medical Officer (RMO) and the Regional Health Secretary)
  • Conduct at least 6 interviews in total at the district/council ITs (at least 2 in each of the selected area and can be a mix across different ITs)
  • Engage the team from JSI R&T and inSupply to process research, generate and summarize the insights, update existing personas and generate new ones as relevant, and develop prototypes that fit the regional level ITs


  1. Inception report with a work plan detailing approach around consultation on the delivery of the assignment and confirmed recommendations for moving forward, based on consultation with the team
  2. Summary report of research findings with personas -- including specific updates to the Resource Ritah, Influencing Irene and Lucy Leader role profiles -- journey maps (if relevant) and key insights supported by data that can be used for prototyping and redesign.
  3. Ideation and prototyping workshop (possibly conducted virtually) with key stakeholders from JSI R&T and inSupply to co-create prototypes for the Regional level IT that will be used to guide our re-design of the Regional ITs and also guide the development of monthly briefs that will be shared with the ITs by JSI R&T and inSupply.  

This is a part-time consultancy based in and might include travel to some of the regions where we work in. 


Interested candidates should submit their proposal.

Email: tanzaniahr@jsi.com  

The deadline for submitting the application is 12th April 2021.

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